Thursday, 28th of February 2008 at 11:00:55 AM

Good Bye “Black Devil”

Today I sold my car. Its name was “Black devil”. I had a good time with him. We have been from Sicily to Sylt. Good Bye and have a good time in Northern Germany. I named him in contrast to Christianes car which is a black Corsa which she calls “Black Beauty”. Why do women name their cars?


Black Devil

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Saturday, 23rd of February 2008 at 11:19:34 PM

My 2008 New Mexico Roadtrip photos now online

It took some time to filter my photos from my January New Mexico Roadtrip. I had shot more than 1000 photos. After several iterative filtering runs I manged to reduce them to around 160. You can find them here: New Mexico Road Trip 2008

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Sunday, 10th of February 2008 at 08:58:56 PM

Hot Movie recommendation: No country for old men

During my 14 day US trip I have seen 4 movies: The new Rambo movie, Juno, The Eye and the latest Coen brothers movie: No Country for old men. The last one (beside Rambo) was the one which impressed me most. I bet this one will get at least two Oscars. I have to rewatch it as soon as it starts in Germany. This morning I also ordered the novel from Cormack Mc Carthy on which the movie is base at Amazon.


This movie is really fascinating, disturbing, brutal, shocking, and full of great scenes.


Javier Bardem as the Psychopathic bad guy Anton Chigurh: He impressed and frightend me most. The movie end is somehow astonishing and unexpected. I first was disappointed but then I really liked and I think I understood why it should end like this. 

[In the movie I recognized the bridge from El Paso to Juarez which I had walked myself two days before.]

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Sunday, 10th of February 2008 at 08:26:21 AM

Back from my USA roadtrip

Still struggling with Jet-Lag after arriving yesterday morning back in Munich. I have been cruisng around Southwest USA, for 14 days, summarizing 3800 Miles (6080 km). Its nearly half of the distance I drive with my own car in one year. I had almost become one unit with my rental car a very nice Pontiac G6 GT (3.5l V6 200hp). Yesterday climbing back in my Audi A3 I had the impression entering a toy car. Funny when starting the engine of my Audi, I was confused about the additional clutch pedal. For 6000 km rental car drive my left foot had rested on the sidebar. Of course I put in the gear of my Audi without using the clutchtwice ;-), killing the engine.  This just made me again visualize what it means doing 6000km in 14 days. I was almost daily sitting 6 to 8 hours in the rental car. Just checked my credit card listing to summarize my refuelings: In 14 days I visited 11 times the gas station for an average gas up of 35 USD. This means nearly 400 bucks for gas. Fuel economy of the Pontiac G6 seems not to be his strength. I dind’t care: it always makes fun driving a V6 engine. I will try to summarize my road trip in later posts.


Gas Up #6 in Alamorgodo, NM.


Driving a V6 is really cool.


The most important most checked indicator: fuel range.


The Pontiac, G6 GT when driving up the muddy road to Great Canyon West.


The Pontiac G6 GT near Tucson, AZ in the Saguaro N.P.


… and at the Canyon de Chelly Spyder rock overlook. I have had a little bit of all: snow, mud, dust and road. 

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Thursday, 7th of February 2008 at 10:08:09 PM

New Mexico Roadtrip Day 10-12: Las Vegas-Red Rock Canyon

Super tuesday election day: I had booked Bally’s Hotel the night before.
These final three days I wanted to relax from the long hours of sitting and driving in the rental car. The last time I had visited the Stratosphere tower platform was 2001. Now it was time again. Before I had I stopped at the Sahara hotel for some shots and a hotel tour. On the Strtaosphere tower I do some shots of the rides, the view into the mountains, and the view to the strip.

After Stratosphere I checked in for two nights in the NewYork-NewYork Hotel, which I had liked two years ago. Wednedsday in the morning, after breakfast Buffet at Bellagio I hiked for three hours in the red rock canyons, callico hills 1, 2, 3. Callico hills is a climbing spot. Wednesday evening I had show tickets for the Crazy girls show in Riviera, which I found  a little bit boring.


Thursday my last day in USA: Early in the morning, I visited again the Red Rock Canyon for a three hour hike in Ice box canyon. After Red Rock I enjoyed driving randomly around in the streets of Las Vegas and stopping here and there for some shots or shopping or a Starbucks Drive-In.


In the evening, knowing it was my last night I went to a movie and finally I wanted to gamble for ten dollars: Won 90 dollars.



Friday Feb 8th: My Flight back to Germany via Philadelphia.

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