Sunday, 11th of January 2009 at 08:03:59 PM

walk along river Amper

Today with the sunny weather we made our first hike of 2009. Beside the chilling temperatures it was a nice 3 hour walk along the Amper river. We had read that the beaver is present there and we saw traces of his presence, see the photo.

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Thursday, 18th of September 2008 at 04:56:55 PM

Leaving Sicily, … once again

view from plane to Catania with Etna

Wednesday 17th september we leave Sicily with our LH flight to Munich. The photo shows the departure from the Catania airport with view to the city, harbour and the etna volcano in the back which showed continous activity since august 2008.

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Sunday, 20th of July 2008 at 09:22:11 PM

Photos from our Biarritz 2008 vacation now online

As usual you can find them on my homepage under the following link: Biarritz vacation 2008

On our flight home from Bilbao I made this nice photo showing our major vacation places. We were located in a beach village in Ondres.

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Friday, 11th of July 2008 at 03:29:17 PM

Just returned from the Basque country

Ah oui! Nous sommes bien retournèes des nos vacances! I have talked a lot of french and I am fluent now. We have been for 20 days in the basque country located in Biarritz on the French site. It was planned as a sea and beach vacation but due to the often cloudy and mild temperatures we prefered travelling around. Bilbao, San Sebastian, Hodarribia, Irun, Hendaye, St. Jean de Lutz, Biarritz. Basque country was  a very nice experience.

 Of course I have shot a lot of photos which I need to screen in the next days.

Christiane with basque hat

Christiane and me with traditional Basque beret.

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Sunday, 16th of March 2008 at 03:56:46 PM

First glimpse of springtime

Having had a lot of rain in the last weeks we enyoed the nice weather on Saturday for a first walk at Lake Ammersee.


Lizzard awakened from winter dreams. He was still very slow.


Christiane yesterday afternoon at Lake Ammersse.

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