Sunday, 20th of July 2008 at 09:22:11 PM

Photos from our Biarritz 2008 vacation now online

As usual you can find them on my homepage under the following link: Biarritz vacation 2008

On our flight home from Bilbao I made this nice photo showing our major vacation places. We were located in a beach village in Ondres.

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Saturday, 31st of March 2007 at 10:53:30 AM

My first time in Spain

Doing something the first time has always its own magic. Just returned from a 5 day trip to Barcelona. I had many chances to experiment with my new camera, unfortunately we had cloudy weather and little sun. Most I liked the Parc Guell and the Sagrada Famiglia, but also the Batlo Building and strolling around in the Gothic quarter alleys.

Barcelona from Montiuc Hill

Sagrada Famiglia seen from Montiuc Hill

More photos from my BCN trip here.

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