Thursday, 3rd of January 2013 at 06:21:35 PM

South East Sicily – 7 new portfolio albums

Before Xmas I had the chance to visit Sicily for 5 days to clarify some private business. I took this occasion to shoot some photos on locations I like in the south eastern part of Sicily. I have created 7 new albums on my webpage titled:

  • Marzamemi (a pitoresque small tuna fishery town)                     40 fotos
  • Vendicari (National Park were I saw Flamingos and a fox)          13 fotos
  • Portopalo di Capo Passero (The most eastern Spot of Italy)      13 fotos
  • Taormina                                                                               15 fotos
  • Ragusa province landscapes                                                  23 fotos
  • Ragusa province towns                                                          15 fotos
  • Siracusa         (fotos from Ortigia penisula)                                 8 fotos

A total of 127 new fotos shot in 4 road tripping days. 1400 km driven with a small Fiat Punto.

sicily trip 2012

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