Saturday, 21st of February 2015 at 09:39:37 PM

USA2015: Day11+12 Sedona-Apache Trail-Tonto-Phoenix

apache-trail-mapSedona would have had plenty of possibilities, for a few short hikes, to fill a day. Unfortunately when waking up the sky was dark and it was raining. Since having had the flat tire I seem to have a streak of bad luck. When would it end? There was no other chance,apachetrail-1533 I left Sedona without a single mile hiked, without a single photo. I drove planless south, in the evening I would meet my friend Alex for barbecue in Phoenix. But what do with this day. I would really have loved hiking Sedona, although it really is very touristy.

I remembered a colleague from Phoenix once had talked enthusiastic from the Superstitious mountains. I checked my map and a plan was born. Driving the complete Apache trail backroad and visiting also the Tonto monument. I set my cars GPS on the target destination Apache Junction. This would become a road tripping day.

I arrived there at 9 am and took the  US88 which leads North East into the Superstitious Mountains.apachetrail-1601 First stop was Canyon Lake, a reservoir formed by the Mormon Flat Dam completed 1925. View miles later I stopped at Tortilla Flat to checkout the souvenir shop. Tortilla Flat is presumed to be Arizona’s smallest official “community” with a population of 6. Its name comes from a nearby butte shaped like a tortilla, nothing todo with John Steinbeck’s novell.

Then the road follows Apache Lake, another reservoir formed by the Horse Mesa Dam. Finally one arrives at the Roosevelt Dam and the Roosevelt Lake. The landscape is dominated from Saguaros, typical for the sonoran desert. apachetrail-1648At the Roosevelt Lake the unpaved road becomes again a regular paved road US188 leading south east. I decided to drive the complete Apache trail circle loop and return to Phoenix through US60, south of the Superstitious Mountains. The whole loop was a 120 miles drive and I arrived 5 pm in the evening back in Phoenix. The following two nights I would stay in Phoenix, visiting Alex.

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