Tuesday, 31st of May 2011 at 07:43:36 AM

GSENM 2011 day 12: closing the loop

After the Wave hike and the Yellow Rock Hike I had noticed that I was tired from the trip and hikes. I decided to slow down and recover. I canceled the remaining planed hikes in Zion (Subway+ Angels Landing). I had them already done in 2009 and of course it would have been great to revisit those favourite locations, but I was too tired. I added another night to my Las Vegas package and decided to drive back to Vegas to relax before the flight home and my work restarts next week. I had so often driven back over Zion Park and wanted to have a change. Therefore I spontaneously decided to drive the long loop back via Grand Canyon South Rim and also have some stops at Historic Route 66 in Williams, Seligman, Hackberry and Kingman. I started from Page at 4.30 am cause I wanted to be at Route 66 between 9-10 to have still good light for some fotos. At around 7.15 I was at the South Rim near the Lodges and stopped for fotos. The light was great only few remaining shadows and there was yet no haze. My schedule required to continue right away for Williams, where I walked through the historic Route 66 loop district. Here I had best foto conditions. I then saw that nice “Pine Country restaurant” which seemed to have good breakfasts and cause I still did not have the chance to eat hotcakes with maple syrup I could not resist. The result was I arrived in Seligman when the sun was already to high and good fotos no longer possible. I regreted little bit having stopped so long in Williams. I was really tired and had to stop in Kingman for coffee and arrived at 3.30 pm in Las Vegas. I had driven 450 miles in around 8 hours. In Vegas I checked in the Flamingo Hotel. I like the center strip location and rooms there are very convenient (35 USD+tax), although the hotel itself has already come to age.The rest of the day I relaxed at the Flamingo pool. Finally in the evening I drove randomly around in Las Vegas sea of lights.

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