Sunday, 4th of July 2010 at 09:03:59 PM

My Filmfest München 2010 wrap-up

I watched 14 movies this year, … despite FIFA Soccer Worldcup in Southafrica and beside the African temperatures in Munich. I would say I had better years with my picks. I liked 7 movies, 4 were boring but acceptable and 3 total flops. Here my short summary so I not forget ….

movie my rating
I wish I knew 2 out of 5
yo tambien (me too) 4 out of 5
That evening sun 2 out of 5
Hotel Atlantico 3 out of 5
Slovenian Girl 4 out of 5
La doppia ora 4 out of 5
The man who will come 3 out of 5
Some days are better than
3 out of 5
Stones in Exile 3 out of 5
Mother 4 out of 5
The Dark house 1 out of 5
Eighteen 2 out of 5
Redland 1 out of 5
Paju 1 out of 5

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