Sunday, 3rd of June 2012 at 07:52:16 AM

Yellowstone 2012 day 1+2: Norris Basin, Mammoth Hot Springs and Old Faithful Geysirs

After the night in Malad, Idaho I arrived at 10.30 in the morning in West Yellowstone. Unfortunately weather was rainy and cloudy. I left my luggage at the Hotel but it was too early for Checkin, so I reserved a quite room and decided to drive into the Park, despite the bad weather. I visited the Norris Geysir Basin and the Mammoth Hot Springs area, but due to the cloudy and rainy weather fotografing was not really fun. I retourned at 8pm in West Yellowstone for checkin and buying some food. Went to bed early. Here a foto from the first day.

I regretted not to be like always in Nevada where wheater was more relaible.

But the second day repaid. Summer arrived and sunny weather provided excellent conditions to enjoy the park and fotograph. I will only provide one foto of the Grand Prismatic Spring in the Midlevel Geysir Basin. It was necesarry to climb a small hill to do this foto:

day1: Norris Geysir Basin-Mammoth Hot Springs – North Entrance – Old Faithful
day2: Old Faithful area – Grand Prismatic Spring . Firehole Canyon Drive

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