Friday, 15th of June 2012 at 06:19:57 AM

Y.S.N.M. 2012 day 13: Bucksin Gulch

The Bucksin Gulch is one of the deepest and longest Slot Canyons. The only way to visit is either a more day hiking tour  or for day hikes through access from either Wirepass or Whitehouse Trailheads. To see the deeper and narrower sections I wanted to enter through Whitehouse trailhead. There the Paria River is accessible and leads after 7 miles to the Bucksin which merges here into Paria river. In June both streams have no water so hiking is possible. At the confluence I planed to go upstream in Bucksin Gulch for 2 miles.

It was a long hike (total of 28km or 17 miles roundtrip). I started at 6.30 am Utah time at the Whitehouse trailhead and reached at 10.15 am the confluence of Bucksin into Paria, only there a little water was still present. Then I walked 2 miles approx. upstream to the Boulder Jam location where I had a break and then returned back to the carpark at the Whitehouse Trailhead where I was back at 2.50 pm. I had kept a high pace to not walk for very long in the hot june sun. The first foto shows the Paria Slot Canyon and the second the Bucksin, both close to the Confluence.

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